League Class Training
So as to further let the active applicants of league membership further understand and master more knowledge of the Communist Youth League and increase their sense of honor of joining the Youth League, on the afternoon of 19th November, 2018, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Youth League Committee held the League class training in the School Lecture Hall as scheduled. The keynote speaker was Counselor He Chun with the Youth League School.
This League lecture comprised two parts, the first of which centered on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech which he delivered to the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China on 2nd July. The speech aimed to learn, advocate and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The second part explained to students the pride and glory of being a League member by means of living examples. Meanwhile, teacher He Chun told students about the origin and historical significance of ‘the League Flag, League Badge, League Song, League Certificate and the Oath to Join the League’ to let students further understand and grasp the basic knowledge of the Communist Youth League and the glorious history of the League.
In summary, students benefited a lot from this League class, expressing that they would make strict demands on themselves in all aspects, actively create conditions to join the Youth League and become glorious members of the Communist Youth League.


